Grave 499

No photograph available.

In loving memory of.
James Calder Sinclair born at Lappan 17th May 1863 died at Cheshunt England 7th June 1912.
Augusta Mary born at Brooklyn NY 18th September 1899 died 3rd October 1899.
Wife Elizabeth Augusta Fraser died 8th December 1951 aged 84.
We know not now, but we shall know hereafter.
Father I choose thy will, even so my father, for so it seemed good in thy sight, not my will but thine be done.
John George Sinclair born 3rd April 1924.
Niven James Sinclair born 3rd April 1924.
I'm happier with the dead than with the living.
The dead don't lie, the dead are more forgiving.
"Here lies...." the living say, in lighting a passing sigh.
So silent lie the dead, whilst only the living lie.

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