Adamson, Catherine - 365 365
Andrew, John - 3
Bain, Alexander - 156
Bain, Ann - 113
Bain, Elizabeth - 86
Bain, John - 155
Bain, Kenneth - 155 155
Bain, Mary - 209
Bain, May - 196 196
Bain, Peter - 155 156
Bain, William - 34
Baird, Charles Edward - 241
Baird, E W - 241
Baird, E W D - 241
Baird, Millicent Bessie - 241
Bannerman, Neil - 312
Bannerman, Rose - 312
Barnetson, Elizabeth - 162
Barnie, Donald - 260
Barnie, George - 72
Barnie, Henrietta - 216
Barnie, William - 15
Beaumont, Thomas - 141
Bethune, Christina - 333
Bethune, David - 333
Bethune, M and C - 333
Bethune, Mary - 333
Bethune, William - 333
Bisset, Isabella - 356
Bremner, Alexander - 271
Bremner, Donald - 271
Bremner, John - 340
Bremner, Kathleen - 355
Brodie, Anna - 103
Brodie, Mr - 106
Brown, Janet Macalister - 141
Brown, Mary - 220
Bruce, Alexander - 97 306 311 364
Bruce, Christina - 259
Bruce, Donald - 308 309
Bruce, Elizabeth - 112 273
Bruce, Isabella - 310
Bruce, James - 307 307
Bruce, Jane - 202 307
Bruce, Janet - 353
Bruce, John - 97 307 311
Bruce, Margaret - 135
Bruce, Mary - 307
Bruce, Robert - 307
Bruce, Walter - 310
Bruce, William - 309
Budge, Barbara - 328
Budge, David - 69
Budge, Donald - 69
Budge, Elizabeth - 95 311
Budge, Elspet - 101
Budge, Isabella - 65
Budge, James - 71
Budge, John - 69
Budge, Margaret - 261
Burn, George - 2
Burn, Margaret H - 2
Calder, Adam - 90
Calder, James - 90
Cameron, John - 222
Campbel, Elizabeth - 70
Campbell, Adam M - 374
Campbell, Alexander - 352 367 367
Campbell, Alexina - 352
Campbell, Catherine - 22 66 149 158
Campbell, Christian - 198
Campbell, Christina - 97 277 352 366
Campbell, David - 158 158 366
Campbell, Donald - 367
Campbell, Elizabeth - 81 158 281
Campbell, Fairlie - 73
Campbell, Francis - 268
Campbell, Francis M - 14
Campbell, Francisina - 45
Campbell, George - 148 149 149
Campbell, Helen - 149 162 352
Campbell, Hughina R - 374
Campbell, James - 144 375
Campbell, Janet - 267
Campbell, Margaret - 124 143
Campbell, Murdoch - 158
Campbell, William - 148 157 162
Chishoim, Mary - 12
Christie, Annie - 302
Clark, Alexander - 140
Clark, C - 138
Clark, Elizabeth - 33
Clark, Marjory - 287
Clark, Sinclair - 287
Clark, William - 140
Class, Margaret - 57
Coghill, Esther - 161
Cooper, Alexander - 53
Cooper, Daniel - 53
Cooper, Elizabeth - 53
Cooper, James - 53 53
Cooper, John - 53
Cooper, W and J - 53
Cooper, William - 53
Cormack, Ann - 117 168 168
Cormack, Benjamin - 321
Cormack, Catherine - 195
Cormack, Charles - 169
Cormack, Cormack - 165
Cormack, George - 361
Cormack, Helen - 71
Cormack, John - 166 169 169 234 360 365
Cormack, Margaret - 265
Cormack, Peter - 136 204 234 336 360
Couper, Jane - 177
Couper, Margaret - 233
Cruickshank, Elizabeth - 344
Cumming, Donald - 170
Cumming, Donald Robert and Davidson - 261
Cumming, Elizabeth - 170
Cumming, James - 261
Cumming, Johan - 170
Cumming, Magnus - 170
Cumming, Robert - 261
Cunningham, Adam - 225
Cunningham, Alexander - 224 225
Cunningham, Donald - 223
Cunningham, James Alexander Steven - 223
Cunningham, John and Walter - 223
Cunningham, Mary - 224
Dallas, Ann - 54
Davidson, Christina Elizabeth - 191
Davidson, George - 191
Davies, Annie Amelia - 1
Dickson, Andrew - 122
Donn, Alexander - 28
Donn, Christina - 57 158
Donn, Margaret - 239
Doull, David - 316
Doull, Jessie - 316
Doull, Margaret - 317 362
Doull, William - 316
Dunbar, Ann - 16
Dunbar, Benjamin - 200 200
Dunbar, Benjamin William - 201
Dunbar, Catherine - 201
Dunbar, Colin - 200 201 201 201
Dunbar, David - 188
Dunbar, Flora - 201
Dunbar, George - 187 243
Dunbar, Harriet - 200
Dunbar, Helen - 201
Dunbar, Isabella - 54
Dunbar, James - 242
Dunbar, Johanna - 242
Dunbar, John - 188 244
Dunbar, Margaret - 200
Dunbar, Marjory - 188
Dunbar, Robert - 187 359
Dunnet, George - 18
Dunnet, Margaret - 18
Ferguson, David - 248
Ferguson, Donald - 303
Ferguson, Ebenezer - 303
Ferguson, James - 303
Ferguson, John - 303
Ferguson, Margaret - 303
Ferguson, William - 303 303
Finlayson, Alexander - 164
Finlayson, Charlotte - 164
Finlayson, George - 164 164 164
Finlayson, Janet - 164
Finlayson, Margaret - 313
Finlayson, Robert - 106 106
Forbes, Alexander - 96
Forbes, Ann - 94
Forbes, Annie - 93
Forbes, Betsy - 94
Forbes, Catherine - 245
Forbes, Christina - 309
Forbes, Donald - 92
Forbes, George - 161
Forbes, H - 161
Forbes, Henry - 160
Forbes, James - 160
Forbes, John - 91 92
Forbes, Margaret - 93
Forbes, Margret - 125
Forbes, Mary - 161
Forbes, Robert - 94
Forbes, Thomas - 93
Fowles, Isabella - 230
Fraser, Leslie - 220
Fraser, William - 319
Gair, Alexander - 205 205 282
Gair, Christina - 205
Gair, Mary - 206
Ganson, Catherine - 301
Ganson, David - 301
Ganson, Donald - 301
Gilmour, Ursula - 1
Gordon, Catherine - 323
Gordon, John - 83 323 323
Gordon, Lucy - 205
Gow, D - 299
Gow, Donald - 36 152
Gow, Elizabeth - 112
Gow, Janet - 226
Gow, John Sutherland - 36
Grant, Catherine - 303 329
Grant, Daniel - 329
Grant, David - 339
Grant, Donald - 208 282
Grant, Elizabeth - 50
Grant, James - 304
Grant, Margaret - 339
Grant, Robert - 339
Greenfield, Donald - 212
Greenfield, George - 212
Greenfield, Johanna - 89
Greenfield, Robert - 212
Gunn, Adam - 251
Gunn, Alex - 68
Gunn, Alexander - 41 46 99 147 273 273 296 300 314
Gunn, Angus - 302 302
Gunn, Angusina - 99
Gunn, Ann - 41 346
Gunn, Anne - 248
Gunn, Annie - 40
Gunn, Barbara - 27 197 300
Gunn, Benjamin - 146
Gunn, Catherine - 40 40 98
Gunn, Charlotte - 175
Gunn, Christina - 43 64 120 236
Gunn, Donald - 57 99 113 113 129 249 251 251 301 302 314
Gunn, Donald M - 55
Gunn, Elizabeth - 41 338
Gunn, Emily - 83
Gunn, Euphemia - 251
Gunn, George - 99 113
Gunn, Georgina - 40
Gunn, Henrietta - 342
Gunn, Isabella - 56 175 184 251
Gunn, James - 40 41 65
Gunn, James M - 20
Gunn, Jane - 115 129
Gunn, Janet - 40 41 114 235 307
Gunn, Jessie - 57
Gunn, John - 20 47 55 56 82 82 83 99 185 249 286 296 342
Gunn, John Mackenzie - 146
Gunn, Kenneth - 146
Gunn, Lizzie - 99
Gunn, M - 106
Gunn, Margaret - 87 106 119 172 184 249
Gunn, Peter - 48 48
Gunn, Robert - 57 62 298 342 342
Gunn, William - 41 41 46 47 48 58 63 64 64
Hay, Flora - 154
Hay, Helen - 116
Hay, William - 163
Henderson, Alexander - 167 192
Henderson, Ann - 93 122 192
Henderson, Barbara - 53
Henderson, Catherine - 17
Henderson, Christina - 155 350
Henderson, Donald - 192
Henderson, Elizabeth - 154
Henderson, Isabell - 192
Henderson, James - 29 178
Henderson, Jane - 60 201
Henderson, Janet - 52 77 192 293
Henderson, John - 26 116 167 193
Henderson, Margaret - 126 162 260 363 363
Henderson, Marjory - 192
Henderson, Mary Rutherford - 29
Henderson, Robert - 154 178 260 260
Henderson, William - 116 122 167
Hendry, Jane - 173
Henrietta, Louisia - 252
Innes, Amelia - 58
Innes, Barbara - 134
Innes, Christina - 288
Innes, George - 282
Innes, James - 358 358 358
Innes, Jane - 282
Innes, John - 358
Innes, Marjory - 358
Keith, Alexander - 114
Keith, Edward Robert - 293
Keith, Elizabeth - 159
Keith, George - 114
Keith, Margaret - 114 181
Keith, William - 114
Kemp, Georgina - 80
Kennedy, Jannet - 163
Laing, Mary - 254
Lauder, Anna - 134
Lauder, Hugh - 134
Levack, Angus - 335
Levack, Esther - 61
Levack, James - 335
Levack, John - 292
Levack, Mary - 335
Levak, James - 335
Losida, J R - 32
Low, Helen - 79
Low, J - 79
Low, Robert - 16
Lunn, James - 254
Lunn, Jane - 254
Lunn, John - 254
Lunn, Margaret - 254 254
MacGregor, Janet - 127
MacGregor, Robert - 127
Macalister, Janet - 141
Macalister, John - 280
Macalister, Margaret - 281
Macdonald, Elizabeth - 89 237
Macdonald, John - 89
Macgregor, Alexander - 145
Macgregor, C H - 145
Macgregor, Donald - 127 145
Macgregor, John - 145
Macintosh, Ann - 286
Mackay, Alexander - 102 197 197 220 220
Mackay, Ann - 197
Mackay, Annie - 38 46
Mackay, Barbara - 237 237
Mackay, Betsy - 94
Mackay, Catherine - 84 245
Mackay, Christian - 210
Mackay, Christina - 237 335
Mackay, Donald - 86 199 209 209 237 315
Mackay, Elizabeth - 20 20 102 212 237 245 321
Mackay, Frances - 259
Mackay, Francis Bruce - 259
Mackay, George - 84 102 228 343
Mackay, Helen - 198
Mackay, Helen Coles - 220
Mackay, Hugh - 255
Mackay, Isabella Stewart - 370
Mackay, James - 197 255
Mackay, James Waters - 315
Mackay, Jessie - 315
Mackay, John - 8 102 198 199 245 259 322 351 376
Mackay, John M - 7
Mackay, John Waters - 315
Mackay, Joseph - 102
Mackay, Kenneth - 255
Mackay, Margaret - 224 237 247 343
Mackay, Mary - 102 148 220
Mackay, Mary Ann - 199
Mackay, Neil - 315
Mackay, Nina - 322
Mackay, R - 23
Mackay, Robert - 102 102
Mackay, Robertina - 255
Mackay, William - 198 199
Mackay, William Swanson - 12
Mackay, Williamina - 8
Mackenzie, Anne - 263
Mackenzie, Catherine - 269
Mackenzie, Colin D M - 371
Mackenzie, David - 87
Mackenzie, Donald - 87 371
Mackenzie, Elizabeth - 6 87 146
Mackenzie, George - 110
Mackenzie, Georgina - 351
Mackenzie, Helen - 24
Mackenzie, J - 10
Mackenzie, James - 87
Mackenzie, Janet - 247
Mackenzie, John - 10 87
Maclachlan, Jessie - 234
Maclean, Rosina - 230
Macleod, Ann - 17
Macleod, Elizabeth - 242
Macleod, Hugh - 17
Manson, Barbara - 325
Martin, Jessie - 177
Martin, John - 177
McAngus, Charles Gordon Ross - 151
McAngus, Donald - 150
McBeath, Mary - 18
McBeath, Sinclair - 211
McCalman, Hugh - 1 1
McDonald, Albert - 266
McDonald, Alexander - 98 266 266
McDonald, Amelia S - 266
McDonald, Catherina - 266
McDonald, Christina - 98 166 276
McDonald, David - 227
McDonald, Donald - 265 266
McDonald, Helen - 258
McDonald, Janesina - 266
McDonald, Janet - 283
McDonald, John - 229
McDonald, Robert - 266
McGreggor, Alexander - 319
McGreggor, Jean - 319
McGreggor, John - 319
McGregor, Anne - 26
McGregor, Catherine - 186
McGregor, David - 128 186
McGregor, Donald - 105 128
McGregor, Elizabeth - 105 232
McGregor, Euphemia - 105
McGregor, Henrietta - 123
McGregor, Hugh - 126 126
McGregor, John - 105 319
McGregor, Margaret - 105 319
McGregor, Marjory - 186
McGregor, Mary - 126
McGregor, William - 186
McGrigor, William - 129
McIntosh, Christina - 25
McIvor, Helien - 185
McKay, Alexander - 179 196
McKay, Ann - 179 293
McKay, Barbara - 340
McKay, Bety - 246
McKay, Catherine - 276
McKay, Christina - 155
McKay, Donald - 276 284
McKay, Donald George - 270
McKay, Elizabeth - 246 329 333 371
McKay, George - 219
McKay, Isabella - 352
McKay, James - 219 246
McKay, Jane - 221
McKay, Janet - 157
McKay, John - 70 246 270 270
McKay, Mary - 196 229
McKay, Murdoch - 219
McKay, William - 179
McKenzie, Ann - 295
McKenzie, Barbara - 325
McKenzie, Cathrine - 295
McKenzie, David - 325 325
McKenzie, George - 173
McKenzie, James - 104
McKenzie, Margaret - 215
McKenzie, Robert - 111
McKenzie, William - 324 324 325
McKirdy, Mary - 280
McKiver, Janet - 272
McLachlan, Alexander - 233
McLachlan, James - 233
McLean, Janet - 157
McLeod, Ann - 99
McLeod, Annie - 122
McLeod, Christina - 318
McLeod, George - 305
McLeod, George William - 184
McLeod, William - 122 184
McPherson, Alex - 31
McPherson, Isabella - 31
McWillie, Ann - 5
Mckay, A - 23
Meiklejohn, Alexander - 67
Meiklejohn, John - 67
Millar, Elizabeth - 103
Millar, Henrietta - 56
Miller, Agnes - 32
Miller, Benjamin - 175 176 344
Miller, C - 42
Miller, Christina - 11 290
Miller, Dolina - 175
Miller, Elizabeth - 10
Miller, Elizabeth Hannah - 345
Miller, George - 61 176 177
Miller, Helen - 291 291
Miller, Hughina - 344
Miller, Jane - 360
Miller, John - 175 258 269 345 345 372
Miller, Margaret - 61 61
Miller, Mary Ann - 269
Miller, Peter - 258 344
Miller, Robert - 176 176
Miller, William - 175 344
Miller, William M - 175
Miller, Williamina - 32
Monro, John - 101
Monro, Margaret - 326
Morrison, Catherine - 288
Morrison, Donald - 288 288
Morrison, Ellen - 288
Morrison, John - 288
Morrison, William - 18
Mowat, Alexander - 141
Mowat, Archibald Kenneth - 141
Mowat, Barbara - 374
Mowat, Ellen - 141
Mowat, Janet - 72
Mowat, John - 142
Mowat, Margaret - 268
Mowat, Robert - 141
Munro, Agnes - 32
Munro, Alexander - 22 33
Munro, Ann - 59
Munro, George - 22 33
Munro, Isabella - 22
Munro, James - 22
Munro, John - 22
Murray, Angelica Chisholm - 191
Murray, Christina - 283
Murray, David - 283
Murray, James - 283
Murray, John - 283
Murray, P - 283
Nicholson, Janet - 53
Nicol, Jane - 266
Nicol, Thomas - 240
Nicoll, Donald - 194
Nicoll, Francis - 195
Nicoll, John - 195
Nicoll, John McD - 195
Nicoll, William - 195
Oag, James - 31
Oag, John - 337
Olson, Christina - 215 218
Olson, Donald - 215 216 218
Olson, Isabella - 189
Olson, James - 217
Olson, James and Mary - 217
Olson, John - 215
Olson, Margaret - 216
Olson, William - 217
Paterson, Alexander - 73
Paterson, Jaina - 331
Peaterson, George - 332
Peterkin, George - 6
Peterkin, Helen - 5
Peterkin, James - 5
Pitt, Hannah - 59
Polson, Ann - 210
Polson, Catherine - 376
Polson, Christina - 194
Polson, Janet - 285
Pryde, Amelia C - 9
Robertson, Alexander - 60
Robertson, Donald - 60 297
Robertson, Emily - 323
Robertson, George - 60
Robertson, Helen - 60
Robertson, J Harriet - 191
Robertson, John - 60
Robertson, Maria Serena - 191
Robertson, William - 60 80 317
Ross, Alexander Lee - 210
Ross, Charles Gordon - 210
Ross, Donald - 185
Ross, Elizabeth - 256
Ross, George P - 334
Ross, James - 185
Ross, Jane P - 9
Ross, Jessie - 185
Ross, Margaret - 131
Ross, Murdoch - 210
Ross, Robert - 185
Ross, Williamina - 358
Rutherford, Mary - 29
Scott, Elizabeth - 259
Shand, Margaret - 376
Shand, William D - 262
Shearer, Benjamin - 373
Shearer, Donaldina - 373
Shearer, Thomas - 373
Sheils, Isabella - 92
Sinclair, Adam - 45
Sinclair, Alexander - 123 267 267 362
Sinclair, Angus - 287
Sinclair, Annie - 124
Sinclair, Archibald - 131
Sinclair, Barbara - 240 267
Sinclair, Betsy - 131
Sinclair, Catherine - 122
Sinclair, Christina - 85 147 324 342
Sinclair, Christina Catherine - 180
Sinclair, Daniel - 330
Sinclair, Elizabeth - 45 139 267
Sinclair, Francis - 168 168 346
Sinclair, George - 11 27 121 122 130 131 341 363
Sinclair, Georgina - 181
Sinclair, Hector - 123 287 287
Sinclair, Henry - 131 131 131
Sinclair, Isabella - 180
Sinclair, James - 37 180 267
Sinclair, Janet - 88 182 267
Sinclair, Jessie - 347
Sinclair, John - 11 38 45 124 133 135 135 139 330
Sinclair, Joseph - 11
Sinclair, Margaret - 142 168 180 298
Sinclair, Mariery - 135
Sinclair, Mary - 9 9 122 364 364
Sinclair, Neil - 346
Sinclair, Neil Francis - 346
Sinclair, R M - 139
Sinclair, Robert - 45 346
Sinclair, Robert F. - 85 85
Sinclair, Robert Finlayson - 124
Sinclair, Robert Scott - 37
Sinclair, Sinclair - 113
Sinclair, Susanna - 131
Sinclair, Temple F. - 313
Sinclair, William - 66 135 135 139
Sinclair, William Y - 139
Smith, John - 19
Steven, Janet - 223
Sutherland, A - 320
Sutherland, Adam - 95 214
Sutherland, Alexander - 35 54 68 76 109 120 171 172 174 206 207 213 247 263 272 279 327 328
Sutherland, Alexander William - 189
Sutherland, Amelia - 169 214
Sutherland, Andrew - 278
Sutherland, Andrew G. - 217
Sutherland, Angus - 226 351
Sutherland, Ann - 28 152 197 200 259 289
Sutherland, Annie - 183
Sutherland, Archibald - 357 368
Sutherland, Barbara - 144
Sutherland, Barbara S - 63
Sutherland, Bella - 370
Sutherland, Benjamin - 51 236
Sutherland, Bettie - 109
Sutherland, Betty - 172
Sutherland, Catherine - 52 95 181 182 244 294 319 330 370
Sutherland, Charles - 275 369
Sutherland, Christina - 62 96 98 170 172 218 263 351 357 359 366
Sutherland, Colin - 351 351
Sutherland, D - 74 159 269
Sutherland, D H - 355
Sutherland, Daniel - 275
Sutherland, David - 52 81 81 81 235 294 294 328 359 368 368
Sutherland, Davidson - 281
Sutherland, Diana - 359
Sutherland, Donald - 21 35 43 50 52 59 103 118 119 119 132 143 214 250 263 277 326 327
Sutherland, Dr - 264
Sutherland, Dugald M - 9
Sutherland, Elizabeth - 39 41 102 109 111 232 263 264 264 292 294 312
Sutherland, Emilia - 339
Sutherland, Esther - 39 294 334
Sutherland, Euphemia - 356
Sutherland, Francis Ann - 100 100
Sutherland, George - 24 42 54 54 181 211 252 256 256 294 294
Sutherland, George W - 264
Sutherland, Helen - 49 68 105 113 144 165 165 199
Sutherland, Hellen - 188
Sutherland, Hendrey - 125
Sutherland, Henrietta - 44 104
Sutherland, Henrietta Gordon - 8
Sutherland, Henry T A - 95
Sutherland, Hugh - 335
Sutherland, Isabel - 222
Sutherland, Isabella - 21 34 137 277 336 356 359
Sutherland, Isbell - 188
Sutherland, J - 188
Sutherland, J and D - 368
Sutherland, James - 24 39 68 103 103 112 112 117 137 159 172 189 202 204 232 294 326 328
Sutherland, James Gordon - 81
Sutherland, James H - 9
Sutherland, Jane - 108 144
Sutherland, Jane Donn - 296
Sutherland, Jane H G - 35
Sutherland, Janet - 39 39 69 114 190 250 260 274 296
Sutherland, Janet M - 14
Sutherland, Jennet - 160
Sutherland, Jessie - 117 190 203 231
Sutherland, Johan - 189
Sutherland, John - 8 9 35 35 43 50 52 54 54 81 117 119 119 120 144 172 180 181 188 189 231 239 252 277 291 320 326 370 370
Sutherland, John M - 354
Sutherland, John William - 252
Sutherland, Kenneth - 39 39 272
Sutherland, Lizzy - 263
Sutherland, Marcus - 43 44 120 172
Sutherland, Margaret - 36 52 127 140 150 186 208 219 225 257 263 264 316 317 341
Sutherland, Marjorie - 172
Sutherland, Mary - 47 64 277
Sutherland, Neil - 214
Sutherland, Peter - 353 354 370
Sutherland, Robert - 30 49 59 75 76 77 118 221 257 263 264 289 289 295
Sutherland, Robertina - 21 294
Sutherland, Sinclair - 78
Sutherland, Thomas - 356
Sutherland, William - 25 35 49 50 75 81 107 132 171 172 174 181 182 190 213 238 250 250 277 277 293 293
Sutherland, Williamina - 182 183 322 370
Tait, Joseph - 13
Tait, William - 13
Taylor, Angus M - 347
Taylor, Benjamin - 23
Taylor, Benjamin McDonald - 348
Taylor, Catherine - 368
Taylor, Donald - 349
Taylor, Isabella - 145
Taylor, James - 347
Taylor, Johan - 23
Taylor, Margaret - 23
Taylor, S Gordon - 117
Taylor, William - 23 350
Templeton, W - 188
Thomson, Alexander - 153
Thomson, Elizabeth - 285
Thomson, George - 285
Thomson, Hellen - 153
Trotter, Agnes - 67
Warder, Ann Jane - 4
Waters, Catherine - 373
Waters, David - 290 338
Waters, Mary - 315
Waters, Sinclair D - 290
Waters, William - 290
Watters, James - 230
Watters, Neil - 230
Young, Hellen - 139
Young, Jamesina - 348
Young, John - 88 100
Young, Maggie - 88
Young, Mary Ann - 100
Young, Rachel - 85 124 124